
What is asphalt rubber? | FEITENG Suppliers of bitumen equipment


Rubber asphalt is the first scrap tire raw material processed into rubber powder particles, and then according to a certain proportion of coarse and fine grading combination, while adding a variety of polymer modifiers, and in the full mixing of high-temperature conditions (180 ℃ or more), and the matrix asphalt fully melted and swollen reaction formed after the formation of modified asphalt binder material. Rubber asphalt with high-temperature stability, low-temperature flexibility, anti-aging, fatigue resistance, water damage resistance, and other properties, is the ideal environmentally friendly pavement material, mainly used in road structures in the stress absorption layer and the surface layer.

The role of rubber bitumen

1. Improve the durability of the bitumen mixture and fatigue life.

2. Improve the resistance to fatigue cracks and reflective cracks in the road surface, which is due to the high binder content, bitumen film thickness, and good elasticity.

3. Improvement of resistance to permanent deformation at high temperature (rutting, congestion pack)

4. Improved resistance to low-temperature cracks

5. Improved durability and serviceability of thin-layer overlays and reduced pavement costs.

6. Reduces noise and improves driving comfort.

The characteristics of rubber bitumen

Rubber asphalt at high temperatures with greater elasticity and elastic recovery capacity can improve the pavement deformation resistance and anti-fatigue cracking performance; has a better high and low-temperature performance, reducing the asphalt sensitivity to temperature; at the same time, rubber asphalt has a high viscosity, aging resistance, oxidation resistance, etc.; open-graded or intermittent graded rubberized asphalt driveway anti-skid function is high, to reduce splashing in rainy days and to improve the field of vision, Reduce noise, greatly improving road safety and comfort; the application of rubber bitumen is not only conducive to environmental protection, saving natural resources, but also help to improve the living environment of mankind.

Excellent fatigue resistance to improve the durability of the road surface; due to the amount of high, elastic, and good, improve the road surface fatigue cracks, reflective crack resistance; strong low-temperature flexibility to reduce the temperature sensitivity of the road surface; because of the high content of binder, thick oil film and tires contain antioxidants, it improves the road resistance to aging, oxidation resistance; excellent rutting permanent deformation resistance; due to the road's durability has been improved, making the road maintenance costs significantly. Improvement of road durability, so that the road maintenance costs are significantly reduced; the use of large quantities of waste tires, not only saves energy, but is also conducive to environmental protection; rubber in carbon black can make the road black for long-term preservation, and high contrast with the marking, improving road safety; rubber bitumen used in asphalt mixtures, due to the construction of the thickness of the thin construction, the construction of the construction of the construction of a rapid and shorten the construction time.

The following is a detailed description of the characteristics of rubberized asphalt:

1. Durability: rubberized bitumen has excellent durability, and can be in harsh weather conditions for a long time to maintain excellent performance. The addition of rubber makes the bitumen more flexible, and able to resist the freeze-thaw cycles and traffic loads on the road, reducing its risk of cracking and damage.

2. Elasticity: rubber bitumen has a high degree of elasticity, and can effectively absorb and disperse the impact and vibration generated by vehicle operation. This not only improves the comfort and safety of the road, reducing wear and tear and damage to vehicles but also reduces the impact of road noise and vibration on the surrounding environment and residents.

3. Anti-aging: rubberized bitumen has excellent anti-aging properties, and can maintain its original performance and appearance for a long time. After composite treatment with rubber, bitumen can better resist ultraviolet radiation, oxidation, and chemical corrosion, and other external factors, thereby extending the service life of the road, reducing maintenance and repair costs.

4. Water resistance: rubberized bitumen has a high degree of water resistance, and can effectively prevent water infiltration into the pavement structure, to reduce water thaw and freeze on the road damage. The addition of rubber makes the bitumen has a better waterproof effect and can slow down the erosion and degradation of asphalt water, improving the durability and stability of the road.

5. Adhesion: rubberized bitumen has a high degree of adhesion, and can be firmly adhered to the road surface and the grass-roots level, forming a solid bonding layer. This not only improves the road's shear strength and stability but also prevents the bitumen layer from peeling and cracking, thus improving the service life and safety of the road.

6. Renewability: rubber asphalt has good renewability, and waste tires and other rubber products can be recycled and reused way to prepare rubber powder, mixed with bitumen to make rubber asphalt. This can not only effectively solve the problem of disposal of waste rubber, but also save resources and reduce environmental pollution, in line with the concept of sustainable development.

The application of rubber bitumen

Rubber asphalt stress absorption layer: a single particle size of stone evenly paved in the rubberized asphalt layer, with rubber roller embedded extrusion milling, rubberized asphalt is extruded to the height of the stone about 3/4, stone embedded in the formation of locks will constitute a structural support, the formation of the gravel sealing mode of the pavement that is the rubberized asphalt stress absorption layer.

Rubber bitumen stress absorption layer features.

Anti-reflective cracks

In the rubber bitumen stress absorption layer, the high amount of rubber asphalt and a single particle size of gravel strong bonding, forming about 1cm thick crack reflective structural layer, water stabilization layer, or the old cement pavement cracks will be very difficult to penetrate the layer, which can effectively curb the reflection of cracks.

Water damage

Rubber bitumen dosage (2.3kg/m²), in the pavement will form about 3mm thickness of asphalt film, which can completely prevent the downward infiltration of rainwater, the roadbed to play a protective role. Secondly, in the above paving bitumen mixture, the rubber asphalt stress absorption layer on top of the rubber asphalt will be the second meeting, after compaction of the road will be filled with its surface layer of the mixture of the bottom of the gap, thus excluding the possibility of interlayer storage of water, and play a role in preventing water damage.

Bonding effect

Rubber bitumen has a strong adhesion, it can be very strong adsorption bonded in the water stabilization layer or old cement pavement, thus playing a role in bonding with the road surface.

Construction machinery: rubber bitumen trucks, gravel spreading trucks, rubber wheel rollers

Advantages of rubber bitumen

Safe driving

Rubber bitumen hot mix structure depth has a strong anti-skid ability, unique stone grading design helps road drainage, reduces water splashing and other situations, so it can improve driving safety, and reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents in the rainy season. The unique elasticity of rubber granules greatly improves driving comfort.

Noise Reduction

Rubber bitumen can effectively reduce road noise by 3-14db compared with general modified asphalt driveway, which is equivalent to reducing the noise of 85% of the traffic flow, and compared with cement pavement, the noise reduction performance is particularly outstanding, saving the expensive noise barrier, more prominent in the area not suitable for the construction of noise barriers.

Engineering Costs

The anti-reflective cracking and anti-fatigue ability of rubberized asphalt driveway material is 2 to 5 times of general asphalt and modified asphalt, which greatly prolongs the service life of the pavement, and therefore reduces the amount of materials and costs. In bridge applications (bridge deck paving), rubberized bitumen can significantly reduce structural loads and lower project costs. In low-traffic areas, rubberized bitumen (chip seal) can also provide economical and high-quality pavement.

Maintenance Costs

Rubberized bitumen can be applied directly on the old concrete surface (sprinkler application), which reduces the industrial waste generated by excavation and saves cost and time during the renovation and maintenance of old roads. Adding rubber bitumen overlay on the cement road surface can effectively prevent the generation of reflective cracks and rutting caused by heavy traffic, which extends the life of the road for more than five years, thus significantly reducing the maintenance cost, road closure, and other problems are also reduced as a result.

Extreme Season

Rubber bitumen driveway's high-temperature stability and low-temperature crack resistance are far more than the general asphalt driveway, in extreme cold (frost cracking), extreme heat (high-temperature rutting), and high rainfall (water damage), and other harsh environments, but also to preserve the material's excellent performance.

Environmental benefits

Each kilometer of rubber bitumen can consume 4,000 used tires, which is the only environmentally friendly solution that can sustainably dispose of used tires. Avoid the environmental pollution caused by incineration, rubber asphalt driveway materials can also be recycled, and will not cause secondary pollution.

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