Asphalt penetration type pavement construction | FEITENG

Asphalt penetration type pavement construction | FEITENG


1, asphalt penetration type pavement with asphalt and stone requirements and asphalt surface treatment of the same.

2、Preparation work before construction of penetrating pavement is the same as that of asphalt surface treatment.

3、Construction operation procedures and requirements should be in accordance with the following provisions:

①, spreading the main layer of material: stone spreading machine or artificial spreading of the main layer of material, the number of requirements and regulations according to the relevant, paving thickness with the thickness of block control, the size of the particles should be evenly distributed. Paved stone material is strictly prohibited vehicle traffic, so as not to affect the smoothness;

②, crushing the main layer material: after the main layer material paving, use 6-8t roller to 2km/h speed initial crushing, the first time should start from the edge of the road surface, to the center of the road crushing, each time the wheel track overlap about 30㎝.

After rolling once, check the road arch, longitudinal slope and flatness, if it doesn't meet the standard, use the main layer material to make up, and then roll the second and the third time until the stone material is basically stabilized.

Rolling with 10-12t roller, each time the wheel track overlap one half, rolling to the stone without significant wheel tracks until, generally 4-6 times can be, should not produce a large number of stone crushing phenomenon;

③, sprinkle the first asphalt: asphalt dosage according to relevant requirements and regulations.

Sprinkle asphalt should be responsible for the command and inspection, such as found insufficient quantity, leakage, stubble white, lack of edge or accumulation phenomenon, immediately by hand to make up the sprinkle or scrape. Each section of stubble treatment longitudinal seam lap width and requirements of the same surface treatment.

④, spread the first embedded material: sprinkle the main layer of asphalt, tend to heat and immediately spread the first embedded material, embedded material dosage according to the relevant requirements and provisions of the spreading should be uniform, there shall be no overlap or surface, after spreading the bamboo broom, there shall be no overlap or surface, after spreading the bamboo broom, sweeping, the individual deficiencies should be found to make up for the extent of universal coverage of a layer;

⑤, crushing: embedded seam material after sweeping, immediately with 10-12T roller crushing, with the pressure with the material to find paving, so that embedded seam material evenly embedded, pavement leveling crushing 4-6 times. If creep occurs during rolling due to high temperature, stop rolling immediately and continue rolling when the temperature is slightly lower.

⑥, Repeat the third, fourth and fifth operations to sprinkle the layers of asphalt and embedded materials.

4, penetration type pavement traffic control and initial maintenance with asphalt surface treatment.

5, penetration type pavement construction should comply with the relevant requirements and regulations.

6, emulsified asphalt penetration type pavement is a cationic emulsified asphalt instead of asphalt construction of penetration type pavement, the mineral requirements of construction methods and precautions and emulsified asphalt surface treatment pavement.

The technical standard of emulsified asphalt pavement penetration type according to the relevant requirements and regulations.

Emulsified asphalt pavement through the amount of material according to the relevant requirements and regulations.

Asphalt concrete and asphalt gravel pavement (plant mix, hot paving)

1、Asphalt concrete and asphalt gravel pavement materials shall meet the following requirements:

①, asphalt: oil-180 or oil-140 petroleum asphalt, its technical requirements should be consistent with the relevant requirements and regulations.

②, mineral and mineral powder: technical requirements according to the relevant requirements and regulations.

2, asphalt concrete mixture grade should meet the relevant requirements and regulations.

3, the use of emulsified asphalt repair black gravel and asphalt concrete pavement, emulsified asphalt dosage can be according to the relevant requirements and regulations.

4, plant mixing asphalt concrete or asphalt gravel should be made:

①, before the start of each shift, the mixer and ancillary equipment to check to ensure normal operation;

②, according to the day of the raw material test ratio notification form strict control of various minerals and asphalt dosage;

③, strict control of asphalt, mineral heating temperature and asphalt mixture temperature. Petroleum asphalt heating temperature 130-160 ℃; mineral heating 140 temperature-150 ℃; asphalt mixture factory 130 temperature-160 ℃;

④, strict control of asphalt mixture mixing time, mixing of asphalt mixture should be uniform and consistent, coarse and fine material separation or solidification of the mixture into a ball shall not be used;

⑤. At the end of each shift of mixing, the asphalt adhering to the mixing pot, blade and its connecting parts should be removed with hot mineral. The asphalt in the pipe must be drained;

⑥, each shift should be in accordance with the original records of the required form.

5, asphalt mixture transportation should meet the following requirements:

①, asphalt mixture can be used in a variety of tons of dump truck transport, the trunk floor and wall panels can be coated with a thin layer of oil-water mixture (a diesel fuel, two parts of water) as an anti-adhesive, but there shall be no free oil and water accumulated in the trunk floor;

②, there should be insulation in winter, rainy season should be rain-proof facilities;

③, transported to the paving site of the asphalt mixture temperature should not be less than 130 ℃. If the asphalt mixture transported to the land produces lumps due to low temperature, it cannot be paved.

6、Paving asphalt concrete (or asphalt gravel) pavement shall comply with the following procedures and requirements:

①. Adjust the width and height of the scraper plate of the paver according to the paving width and thickness (determined by the loose paving coefficient). During construction, the paving thickness should be checked frequently and the height of scraper plate should be adjusted at any time;

②. Determine the amount of paving work per shift according to the air temperature, transportation capacity and rolling machinery capacity. As far as possible, pave the full width of the pavement at one time, such as mechanical limitations, it is best to use two paver joint operation, in order to cut off the longitudinal construction joints;

③.When half width paving, the working section should not be too long, generally the working section length is 50-100 m. When the temperature is low, the working section should be 30-40 m. If the paving time is too long, and the first half width has been crushed and cooled down, hot asphalt can be brushed at the joints to keep the joints bonded and leveled;

④, after the completion of paving, it should be rolled and shaped in time.

8、The following requirements shall be met when paving surface layer by hand:

①, according to the construction conditions, labor, machinery and paving speed to determine the amount of work per shift;

②, contact with hot asphalt mixture of tools can be heated or coated with oil and water mixed suit;

③, should be taken to buckle spade paving, shall not hold the spade far flung, so as not to cause temperature loss of granular material separation;

④, while paving with scraper leveling, scraping flat to be light and heavy, reciprocating 2-3 times can be to prevent repeated scraping, resulting in coarse material floating on top, the road surface roughness;

⑤, paving and scraping process, at any time to check the paving thickness, smoothness, arch, found inconsistent with the timely repair;

9, asphalt concrete pavement rolling, should meet the following requirements:

①, steel wheel roller wheels should be brushed with oil and water mixture, so as to avoid asphalt mixture sticky wheels, and shall not leak the oil and water mixture to the road surface;

②, before normal rolling, should be rolled transverse and longitudinal joints;

③, Rolling from the edge of the road to the middle of the road, the two-wheel roller overlaps about 30㎝ each time. It shall not steer, turn around, move the position from left to right or brake suddenly on the newly paved asphalt mixture, and the roller shall enter and exit the rolling area from the section where rolling is completed, and shall not enter and exit from the side of the road at an oblique angle;

④, the rolling program is divided into initial compaction, re-compaction, final compaction:

Initial compaction: use 6-8t two-wheel roller, rolling speed of 1.5-2km / h, rolling 2-3 times. After pressing, check the flatness, thickness, arch, and trim if necessary. If the initial compaction appears to push, can wait until the temperature of the mixture is a little lower and then pressed;

Repeat pressure: after the initial pressure with 10-12t roller preferably with tire roller compaction, rolling speed of 5km / h. Grinding to stability and no significant wheel tracks until, generally grinding 4-6 times;

Final pressure: 6-8t double roller, rolling speed of 3km / h to eliminate wheel tracks to ensure the surface flatness, generally 2-4 times;

⑤, asphalt concrete starting rolling temperature is not higher than 100 ℃, rolling finished not less than 50 ℃;

⑥, after rolling in the road surface is not cooled before the roller or other vehicles shall not be parked on the road, and should prevent minerals, debris, oil, water, etc. scattered on the newly paved surface;

⑦, after compaction of the pavement, the center line as the basis for measuring the paving width, pulling the line along both sides of the road surface, the excess asphalt mixture excision, the individual lack of material with a mixture of material to make up for the individual lack of material, and Pei shoulder, compaction, open to traffic;

⑧, emulsified asphalt in the broken milk with 6-8t steel wheel roller pressure twice, and then 10t or more rubber roller rolling. Because of its initial strength is low, to do a good job of initial maintenance, conditions allow should be closed to 2-3d traffic, must be open to the public, should be sent to direct the slow speed through (not more than 20km / h) is strictly prohibited by beasts of burden and iron wheeled vehicles through;

Wine, hot asphalt mixture and emulsified asphalt mixture can not be paved at the same time, to prevent high temperatures due to the roller machine steel wheel caused by emulsified asphalt period of emulsion, asphalt sticky steel wheel.

10, asphalt mixture construction temperature below 5 ℃ or temperature is higher than 5 ℃, but there is a gale, the following measures should be taken:

①, the appropriate increase in asphalt mixture factory temperature, but the maximum does not exceed 180 ℃;

②, the transportation of asphalt mixture to do a tight cover insulation, to ensure that the material temperature to the site is not less than 140 ℃;

③, paving control at 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., and do fast unloading, fast paving, fast rolling;

④, The mixture at the joints should be covered and kept warm, or heated by blowtorch and then paved successively, and the roller should strengthen the rolling of the joints;

⑤. When paving according to half width of pavement, the distance of working section should be shortened to ensure better quality of longitudinal joints;

⑥, Equip sufficient number of rollers to ensure that the temperature of petroleum asphalt mixture at the beginning of rolling is 90-100℃ and the temperature at the end of rolling is not lower than 50℃;

⑦, Strengthen the construction site and asphalt mixing plant contact between the quantitative, regular, fixed-car organization of production, timely supply of materials to avoid excessive joints.

11, asphalt pavement construction in the rainy season should meet the following requirements:

①, pay attention to the daily weather forecast, strengthen the site site and asphalt mixing plant contact, half-width construction, to shorten the paving work section, try to complete the pavement full-width paving before the rain;

②, the transportation of asphalt mixture of the car to have rainproof thatch cover, site paving ground is best equipped with rainproof thatch for rain cover;

③, rain or wet grass-roots level shall not be paved asphalt mixture, has been paved but not compacted and encountered the rain of asphalt mixture, should be completely removed and replaced with new material.

Asphalt pavement quality standards

1、All kinds of asphalt pavement construction quality standards should be in line with the relevant requirements and regulations.

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