Frequently Asked Questions about Bitumen

Frequently Asked Questions about Bitumen


How do you melt bitumen?

With regard to melting bitumen, heating can be used. Specifically, there are the following ways:

Hot air heating, the heater is placed on top of the bitumen, through the hot air to achieve the purpose of dissolution.

Steam heating, put the bitumen in the heating equipment, through the steam to make it heated, the bitumen will gradually dissolve.

Boiler heating, the bitumen into the boiler for heating, until the dissolution requirements.

Note that the operation process must take the necessary safety measures to prevent fire, burns and other hazards.

Is burning bitumen toxic?

Burning bitumen produces toxic substances. It contains 3,4-benzopyrene, which increases the incidence of malignant tumors. In addition, the phenols, compounds, anthracene, naphthalene, pyridine and other components of bitumen and its fumes are irritating to the skin and mucous membranes, and have a phototoxic and carcinogenic effect. Contact with bitumen dust or fumes, and long-term exposure to sunlight, the skin will appear bright red spots, edema and other symptoms. Inhalation of bitumen fumes, but also blurred vision, chest tightness, abdominal pain, palpitations, headaches and other symptoms.

Therefore, when handling bitumen, you should avoid burning as much as possible, ensure that the operation is carried out in a well-ventilated environment, and wear appropriate protective equipment. If you feel unwell when handling bitumen, stop work immediately and seek medical assistance.

What is used to heat bitumen?

The main equipment used to heat bitumen is the asphalt heater, also known as the oil heating temperature control machine. This equipment to heavy oil, light oil, coal and other fuels, through the thermal oil for heat conduction, through the oil pump to force the thermal oil circulation, the heat will be transferred to the equipment to be heated, and then return to continue to heat the formation of the cycle of the heating process. With high heating power and high pump flow, it is possible to heat up the temperature of the thermal oil to about 345 degree Celsius even with low operating pressure. This equipment meets the requirements of high-precision temperature control and heating process, adapts to various development needs, and is a safe, efficient, environmentally friendly and energy-saving heating equipment.

In addition, there are also open-flame heating and thermal oil heating. Selection of heating bitumen and equipment, based on specific production needs and conditions to ensure that the heating effect, operational safety, environmental protection and energy saving requirements can be met.

What happens when bitumen is heated?

When the bitumen is heated, there will be the following phenomena:

Initially soft, bitumen from the hard state to a softer state, but still not completely melted.

Surface now obvious liquid, with the heating process, the surface of the bitumen will show obvious liquid.

Completely melted, when the bitumen heating temperature reaches a certain level, its overall volume will become liquid, this time can be said that the bitumen has completely melted.

It should be noted that the heating temperature should be controlled when heating bitumen, and need to be heated uniformly to prevent high temperatures and local overheating to asphalt adverse phenomena. At the same time, to carry out adequate ventilation to prevent harmful gases on the human body.

How long does bitumen last?

The service life of bitumen is affected by a variety of factors, such as the environment, conditions of use, maintenance and repair. Generally speaking, the service life of bitumen is about 10 to 20 years. However, the service life of bitumen can be extended with proper maintenance and care. Different types of asphalt driveway structures, such as bitumen surface treatment, asphalt penetration, asphalt crushed stone and asphalt concrete, etc., have their own characteristics and applications, and need to be selected and utilized according to specific conditions.

How long does it take for bitumen to harden?

The time for bitumen to harden depends on a number of factors, such as the type of bitumen, ambient temperature, humidity, oxidization, etc. Usually, it takes about 24 to 48 hours for the bitumen to harden after laying. At low temperatures, the hardening time may be relatively long, while at high and dry temperatures, the bitumen may harden more quickly.

In addition, the hardening process of bitumen can be accelerated by technical means, such as the addition of hardeners and increasing the paving temperature. However, these methods may have a certain impact on the performance and service life of bitumen, so it is necessary to choose and use according to specific circumstances.

Does bitumen evaporate when heated?

Bitumen will evaporate when heated, but not completely. In order to avoid asphalt evaporation at high temperatures for a long time, the construction process should take appropriate measures to reduce the volatilization of asphalt and the pollution caused by the environment.

When the temperature of bitumen exceeds its boiling point, the volatile molecules inside the bitumen will become gas, forming steam, this process is called the vaporization of bitumen. Thus, bitumen can produce steam when heated.

Does bitumen decompose?

Bitumen decomposes. Its decomposition can occur in two ways: chemical reactions and microbial decomposition.

First, at high temperatures, bitumen can undergo chemical reactions, such as oxidative degradation, and thus lose its properties. In addition, bitumen can undergo chemical reactions with other substances and be transformed into different materials.

Second, bitumen contains certain substances that allow it to interact with microorganisms. Although bitumen is not a natural food for microorganisms, under certain environmental conditions, such as the presence of specific species of bacteria and fungi, the organic matter in bitumen can be utilized and decomposed by these microorganisms.

In summary, although pure bitumen does not readily decompose due to the stability of its chemical structure, it can still decompose under certain conditions, such as high temperatures or in the presence of certain types of microorganisms.

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